Report from the Latest Sonslink Network Gathering:

Report from Tim:
Glory is the first word that comes to mind when I think of the latest gathering of sons. It took place January 17-20, 2024 at the beautiful Tesoro Escondido Ranch near Mineral Wells, Texas. Over 40 men gathering the comfortable settings on the bluff above the Brazos River. Bill Vanderbush led the first night and it was glorious! He challenged us to ASCEND. The message of "Come up Here," was sounded and received with joy as we embraced the presence of God as a challenge to walk in the heavenlies every day. Don Wolabough led Thursday evening with the call to discern who you listen to. He asks the question, "Who do you allow to speak into your life? It is vital to know who you follow because you will become like who you follow! Friday morning Randy Hill led us to listen to God. It is the simplest exercise with the most profound impact. The presence was felt as we prayed for the generations and received new brothers. Tha night, Any Taylor challenged us to see the current awakening of God and embrace it. As things get darker and darker, our light will shine brighter and brighter. Glory! The whole time was glorious! Whether we were meeting together as a group or informally gathered around a fire, we experienced the presence of God as we experienced one another. I am amazed how each gathering is different and how each successive group builds on the past. My desire would be for our father to still be with us, but the growing intimacy and faithfulness of the brotherhood is filling the gap. I invite you to join us next year in January for the First Gathering each year and to other gatherings as sons all over the country host times together. Look to this website to stay connected. —Tim Taylor