Browsing Archive: April, 2011

Only One Solution

Posted by Tim Taylor on Tuesday, April 26, 2011,
I have come to a couple of conclusions: 1) our world, and particularly our nation, is in big trouble; and 2) there is no earthly solution to our problems! 

I got to spend the past week with my dad in Arlington, Texas and Atoka, Oklahoma.  I have noticed that Dad no longer preaches as he once did, and he is a superb preacher with few rivals.  What I have observed is that Dad shares as a father.  He still speaks with anointing, demonstrated with powerful ministry, but the shift to fathering is ...
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Tim Taylor

Tim Taylor Tim enjoys the privilege of having Jack Taylor as both his natural and spiritual father. Tim has pastored four churches in a 25 year span. He led a missions organization to Latin America for 10 years and has worked with his dad since 2010 to model the Father/Son Paradigm and to advance the Kingdom of heaven on earth. Tim also operates a publishing company and has re-published many of Jack's books and published many of his spiritual-sons' books (