Only One Solution
Posted by Tim Taylor on Tuesday, April 26, 2011
I have come to a couple of conclusions: 1) our world, and particularly our nation, is in big trouble; and 2) there is no earthly solution to our problems!
I got to spend the past week with my dad in Arlington, Texas and Atoka, Oklahoma. I have noticed that Dad no longer preaches as he once did, and he is a superb preacher with few rivals. What I have observed is that Dad shares as a father. He still speaks with anointing, demonstrated with powerful ministry, but the shift to fathering is profound and powerful in its own right. This week we released a new version of his initial and best-selling book, The Key to Triumphant Living. It is the story of how God transformed Dad's life through relationship with the Holy Spirit and how God moved in a church and community in personal renewal and corporate revival. Dad shared this week about what happened when the owners of the largest strip-joint in south Texas were saved and how nearly 2000 people were ushered into the Kingdom in a matter of months. I had forgotten what God could do. I had let my faith go dormant in expecting God to move among people.
I was there in 1970 when God moved to change people's lives right before my eyes. It was a move of God largely distinguished by true godly sorrow and genuine repentance. There was no program, except for concerted prayer. More people were came to Jesus in a short time in 1970 than had in the past entire existence of the church. I had forgotten what God did and even worse, had lost the expectation that He could do it again.
I saw him do it then and I saw glimpses of it again this week. A fresh spark was ignited in me this week for greater expectation. The numbers were not impressive, but the strategic connections were. The move of God that I am seeing by faith and expecting by vision is not about numbers. It will involve multitudes one day, but right now it is about quality not quantity. God is moving in pockets of faithful people all over this country. In places no one has ever heard of, like Sayre, OK, Moultrie, GA, Katy, TX, Arlington, TX, Atoka, OK, God is stirring hearts to pursue the Kingdom. We are learning what Jesus meant when He told the parable of the Kingdom, "the Kingdom of God is like a man who found a treasure in a field and sold everything he had and bought the field..." If the Kingdom is not everything, then it is nothing.
I remember hearing God speak to me directly on one of my trips to Mexico. He seemed to say, "if you will be satisfied without my glory, you will be satisfied without my glory." I have grown satisfied without seeing God display Himself in all His glory. I have become complacent and unexpectant. I have fallen into the trap of thinking I was helpless to change things. I listen to the news on the radio and feel like I can do nothing about it. Well, I have discovered that no one has the power to change things. No one has the will to make the changes we need to save our world and especially our nation. Politicians are hapless, helpless and hopeless. Trusting them will only make us the same. There is only one solution to what we face today in our world and it is the coming of the Kingdom to renew our personal lives and to bring corporate revival.
The message in Dad's first book was written forty years ago, but it is never more relevant than today! The leadership of the Holy Spirit is indispensable and the demonstration of the Kingdom of heaven on earth is imperative. I am talking up the baton being passed by men like my dad. I am praying that God would raise up men and women who will call for personal repentance and national humility. We don't need a better economic plan or stricter moral rules. We need revival that only the presence of God can bring.
As we enter a new election season, let's pray for God to raise up a man or a woman who will call us back to Himself and lead us to pursue His Kingdom. I invite you to join with me to pray, this pray:
"Lord, Do It Again!"
I am asking the Father to begin with me...
I got to spend the past week with my dad in Arlington, Texas and Atoka, Oklahoma. I have noticed that Dad no longer preaches as he once did, and he is a superb preacher with few rivals. What I have observed is that Dad shares as a father. He still speaks with anointing, demonstrated with powerful ministry, but the shift to fathering is profound and powerful in its own right. This week we released a new version of his initial and best-selling book, The Key to Triumphant Living. It is the story of how God transformed Dad's life through relationship with the Holy Spirit and how God moved in a church and community in personal renewal and corporate revival. Dad shared this week about what happened when the owners of the largest strip-joint in south Texas were saved and how nearly 2000 people were ushered into the Kingdom in a matter of months. I had forgotten what God could do. I had let my faith go dormant in expecting God to move among people.
I was there in 1970 when God moved to change people's lives right before my eyes. It was a move of God largely distinguished by true godly sorrow and genuine repentance. There was no program, except for concerted prayer. More people were came to Jesus in a short time in 1970 than had in the past entire existence of the church. I had forgotten what God did and even worse, had lost the expectation that He could do it again.
I saw him do it then and I saw glimpses of it again this week. A fresh spark was ignited in me this week for greater expectation. The numbers were not impressive, but the strategic connections were. The move of God that I am seeing by faith and expecting by vision is not about numbers. It will involve multitudes one day, but right now it is about quality not quantity. God is moving in pockets of faithful people all over this country. In places no one has ever heard of, like Sayre, OK, Moultrie, GA, Katy, TX, Arlington, TX, Atoka, OK, God is stirring hearts to pursue the Kingdom. We are learning what Jesus meant when He told the parable of the Kingdom, "the Kingdom of God is like a man who found a treasure in a field and sold everything he had and bought the field..." If the Kingdom is not everything, then it is nothing.
I remember hearing God speak to me directly on one of my trips to Mexico. He seemed to say, "if you will be satisfied without my glory, you will be satisfied without my glory." I have grown satisfied without seeing God display Himself in all His glory. I have become complacent and unexpectant. I have fallen into the trap of thinking I was helpless to change things. I listen to the news on the radio and feel like I can do nothing about it. Well, I have discovered that no one has the power to change things. No one has the will to make the changes we need to save our world and especially our nation. Politicians are hapless, helpless and hopeless. Trusting them will only make us the same. There is only one solution to what we face today in our world and it is the coming of the Kingdom to renew our personal lives and to bring corporate revival.
The message in Dad's first book was written forty years ago, but it is never more relevant than today! The leadership of the Holy Spirit is indispensable and the demonstration of the Kingdom of heaven on earth is imperative. I am talking up the baton being passed by men like my dad. I am praying that God would raise up men and women who will call for personal repentance and national humility. We don't need a better economic plan or stricter moral rules. We need revival that only the presence of God can bring.
As we enter a new election season, let's pray for God to raise up a man or a woman who will call us back to Himself and lead us to pursue His Kingdom. I invite you to join with me to pray, this pray:
"Lord, Do It Again!"
I am asking the Father to begin with me...
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