Two Reunions
May 24, 2011There is nothing like spending time with family when you really love one another. In many families the time together must be limited so that members do not get on each other’s nerves. When you are part of the family of God, time flies and no amount of time spent together is ever long enough. To some those words may sound strange and even unreal. I am not trying to hype an event or make something up. I am merely stating what happens when folks experience communion in the Holy Spirit. If you do not know what I am talking about, I am writing to you; so that you may develop a healthy envy, so that you will want to pursue it for yourself.
This past week I had the privilege of attending two reunions of diverse parts of my Kingdom family. The first was in Houston at the Word, Spirit, Power conference held at the Encourager Church. I got to spend 4 days with R.T. Kendall. Charles Carrin, Bob Phillips and Jack Taylor. We met together, we ate together, and we played together. That is one of the things that I wish everyone could experience for themselves. These heroes of the Faith are a lot of fun to be around. I loved this time with them because I got to know them more and I now possess a solid platform for deeper relationship with each one of them. I encourage you to check out the new webpage at for Word, Spirit, Power and peruse the calendars of these men to see when they might be meeting near you.
In these three elder statesmen of the Faith, God has created a combination unparalleled in experience and unrivaled in anointing to present together the message of the Kingdom. With sincere love for one another R.T., Jack and Charles demonstrate the priorities of Kingdom partnership. They prefer one another. Their genuine love for one another can even be seen in their light-hearted ribbing of one another. They model a manner of respect not often seen among the most popular speakers of our day. They not only prefer one another in word and deed; they defer to one another. They display a practical knowledge and faith in the cooperative and complementary facets of the Body of Christ. Each one leans on the strength of the other to create a powerful combination of Kingdom insight and ministry. The three of them are an example of the Kingdom at work as they demonstrate love and practice mutual submission. It was just fun to be around!
On this past Sunday night I was invited to the home of Pastor Dwight McKissic of the Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas. I have to admit it was a new experience because I was the only Caucasian present. I loved it. These brothers know how to eat and they know how to praise the Lord! They also can preach the moon down out of the sky.
About forty of us gathered, and those who had attended the Spring Sons Gathering shared. Twelve of the thirteen men from this group were present. I have to tell you about some of them and what has happened since they returned from the Sons Gathering. One pastor had such an encounter with the Lord at Firecreek Mountain that his whole perspective of life was irreversibly altered. He came home and began to preach the Kingdom, but not just preach it, but be it. He said that Sunday a young girl in his church fell into a convulsion in the middle of a glorious time of worship. It became a real distraction and threatened to slow the momentum of the praise. He sensed there was more to this than a simple episode with this child, so he picked her up in his arms and prayed. He did not pray for the girl. He rebuked the enemy! He said, “Not in this house and not in this little girl and not now!” Instantly the little girl’s eyes rolled back to the front and she looked up at him and smiled. The congregation erupted and the worship time moved to a whole new level. He was ecstatic about the power of the Kingdom and vowed to never go back to what he knew before!
Another young man told his father, who is also his pastor and spiritual father, “the man that went to Firecreek is not the same man who is returning.” He preached the Kingdom and it was evident to his father and to the entire church that this statement was true! People were asking, “who is this man?” “What have you done with the man we knew before?” The Kingdom will transform you.
Among these men and now their churches is an awesome sense of God’s presence. Not just for church services, but for everyday life. There is an increased ability to believe and the faith is being exercised to see people healed and set free! A word came in this meeting on Sunday night from one of the men who had gone with us to Firecreek. The Lord showed him Joshua 3 and said, “Just as the people were commanded to wait on the priest carrying the Ark, the symbol of the presence of God before they moved forward; so are the people of our churches waiting on their leaders to carry the presence of God and follow Him!” He went on to interpret this to mean that the people are ready and just waiting for the men of God to lead them. The people are not afraid of what others will say. They will not hold the leadership back. They are ready and willing to fight for the Kingdom and to see it come in their lives and in their communities. He felt, and I agree, that the people in our churches are waiting on the leadership to lead them to preach and demonstrate the Kingdom. The call was to lead out in the power of the Holy Spirit!
I arrived at this meeting at 6:00 P.M. after driving directly from Houston for four hours. I did not even realize that we did not conclude until 10:00 P.M. It felt like minutes, not hours! Time truly does fly when you are having fun! I love my new brothers and anticipate great things in them and from our relationship.
It is most gratifying to see others blessed as a result of you hearing God. To a man, the Firecreek experience was affirmed. The message of the Kingdom was embraced and the Father/Son paradigm was adopted. It may only be in its infant stages with us, but it is already bearing fruit far beyond what I expected. These divine connections are overwhelming. I sense in my spirit more than can share or even explain. As our nation seems to be spinning down the vortex of the proverbial drain, we are on the cusp of a move of God the world has not seen for a century. It is our only hope! It is my great hope after being with these two groups of people and experiencing a hunger that leads to an abandoned pursuit of the Kingdom of heaven.
All I can do is report what I have seen and invite you to join us! Maybe I can create a little healthy envy in you for what we are experiencing. Check out the calendar and the Sons Gathering page. We have two more Sons Gatherings planned for 2011. There is still room for you to reserve a place. Do it quickly.
See you on the mountain!
Posted by Tim Taylor.