Still more about Sonslink...
Sonslink is about:
- CONNECTION: We feel called to connect fathers and sons to vanquish the orphan spirit and advance the Kingdom of God as a Kingdom family.
- COMMUNICATION: We feel called to create the means for regular personal communication that established and maintains relationship. We need to communicate with God and with one another. We need the presence of God and the proximity of one other. Communication is the key to community.
- COMPLEMENTATION: We feel called to connect and communicate in order to complement. In the Kingdom Family of God there is no place for competition because we are all accepted and approved in Him together. Fathers release sons who can serve together for the benefit of all. The Body of Christ cannot function properly without mutual deference and preference. The whole becomes greater than the sum of the parts in the Family of God. The ultimate goal of Sonslink is to connect fathers and sons together in close personal communication so that we can complement one another in our personal lives and corporate ministries.
Some Vital Questions:
- What are you looking for?
- Who is your father?
- Who are your brothers?
- Who are your sons?
Just as it is vital that we know who our father is, it is just as important to know who our sons are. The goal of sonship is to become a father, a father that produces sons. This is the magnificent mystery of generational transfer that is genuine discipleship that we are commissioned to perform. As we learn to be sons we become fathers who rear sons who become fathers and so on and so on. This is true in the natural as well as in the spiritual. Who are your sons whom you are raising up to change the world?
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